Antibiotic Medications and Alcohol Interactions

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antibiotics while drinking

Understanding the evidence behind this warning is maverick house sober living important, given the commonality of prescribing and the diverse classes and various properties of antimicrobials (2). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that approximately 270 million antibiotics were prescribed for outpatients in 2016 (3). The National Consumers League and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have also warned consumers to avoid alcohol with linezolid, metronidazole, griseofulvin, and antimycobacterials (5). Alcohol warnings between pharmacy chains also differ, potentially leading to confusion for both patients and providers (Table 1).

Ethionamide (Trecator)

However, amoxicillin can only be used by adults to treat stomach ulcers. Cycloserine may decrease alcohol craving, and the package inset warns of seizures with concomitant alcohol use, but data to support this warning were not identified. Alcohol is contraindicated per the package labeling due to a speculative, but not established, increased risk of seizures (122).

Can you drink alcohol with antibiotics?

When alcohol is combined with antibiotics that also have a CNS depressant effect, additive effects may occur. Keep in mind that antibiotics are often prescribed on a short-term basis. Consider waiting until you’re off the medications to have your next drink. It may reduce the chance of complications or side effects brought on by antibiotics.

To our knowledge, there are no data available on the PK/PD or efficacy of pyrazinamide. To our knowledge, there are no data available on the PK/PD or efficacy of ethionamide. To our knowledge, there are no data available on the PK/PD staying motivated in recovery or efficacy of isoniazid. To our knowledge, there are no data available on the PK/PD or efficacy of griseofulvin. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) is used for urinary tract infections and pneumocystis infections (74). To our knowledge, there are no data available on the PK/PD or efficacy of metronidazole.


  1. Commonly used cephalosporins, including cefdinir and cefpodoxime, do not possess the aforementioned side chains and are considered safe to use with alcohol.
  2. But many antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections can have drug interactions with alcohol found in beer, wine, cocktails and even in other medicines.
  3. Avoid cefotetan combination with alcohol during treatment and for 72 hours after you stop treatment with cefotetan.
  4. This was demonstrated by an increased lag time, time to maximal concentration (Tmax), and half-life.
  5. Also, the antibiotic linezolid (Zyvox) interacts with some alcoholic drinks, including red wine and tap beer.

Read on to learn more about antibiotics, their side effects, and how they can interact with alcohol. Any abnormal changes to your health or concerns when using antibiotics warrant a call to your healthcare provider. While not all antibiotics will negatively interact with alcohol, it’s vital to practice caution and have clear information regarding alcohol safety with the prescribed medication. Some antibiotics do not interact with alcohol intake, but others do.

Linezolid (Zyvox)

antibiotics while drinking

When people drink tap beers and red wine with linezolid, the amount of tyramine in kaiser drug treatment the blood may rise. They may experience side effects due to the increased tyramine levels, rather than the alcohol itself. Some antibiotics when mixed with alcohol can lead to side effects like nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, flushing, and liver damage.

If you do choose to combine alcohol with an antibiotic, do your research. Is your antibiotic thought to be one of the riskier ones to take with alcohol? Many of the same considerations apply to antifungals used to treat fungal infections. However, having a drink while you are taking a course of certain antibiotics might not be a huge deal. This article discusses some key things to consider about this topic.

Check with your healthcare provider each time you start a new prescription or over-the-counter medicine to determine if there are important drug interactions with alcohol. Drinking alcohol while you are sick may make it more difficult to recover in a timely fashion. Instead, rest, drink other fluids (like plenty of water) and take any antibiotics as directed.

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